1253pm Station was dispatched for a vehicle accident in the area of Browning Rd and Monument Rd in Shade Twp. Engine 604 and Fire Police 604 responded but was cancelled prior to arriving on scene. 2025-54
1258pm The station assisted Hooversville with a reported trailer fire located at 247 Number 3 Rd in Quemahoning Twp. 2025-47
655am Station was dispacthed for the RIT Assignment assist to Acosta for a smoke in a structure at 204 Fritz Rd in Jenner Twp. Engine604 responded but was cancelled prior to arriving on scene. 2025-39
404pm Engine604 responded to assist Friedens with a fire alarm at 119 Taylor Rd in Quemahoning Township. 2025-38
0954am Department was dispacthed to assist State Police with traffic control at the scene of a single vehicle accident with no injuroes on Rt30 Stonebridge Hill. Utility604 responded. 2025-35
0708am Dispatched to a reported house fire located at 3951 Lincoln Highway in Quemahoning Township. Engine 604 arrived and found light smoke inside possible due to a malfunctioning furnace. Crews investigated and found no fire. Assisting departments were Boswell, Friedens and Hooversville. Somerset Ambulance was also on scene. 2025-32
1042am Station was dispatched to assist Hooversville with a house fire located at 185 Lihr St in Hooversville Borough. Engine 604 responded but was cancelled prior to arriving in scene. 604 Assistant Safety Office assisted on scene with ventilation. 2025-33
0506pm Report of a vehicle accident Rt30 near West Main St. Crews found a vehicle that slid into a ditch, no accident. Crews cleared. 2025-31
0944am Crews responded to this commercial vehicle accident on Rt30 just east of Old Rt30. Engine 604, Fire Police 604 and Chief 604 responded and was assisted on scene by Somerset Ambulance, Friedens Fire and Hooversville Fire. Shanksville was cancelled. No injuries. One coal truck ran off the road to avoid the other coal truck. One was driven from the scene the other was towed. State Police investigated. Roads were very icy at the time of the accident. 2025-28
1121pm Single vehicle accident with rollover on Rt30 (Lincoln Hwy) near the entrance to the Flight 93 National Memorial. 3 occupants with only minor injuries. All 3 refused transport. Engine 604, Fire Police 604 and Chief 604 all responded. Hooversville Fire was cancelled. Somerset Ambulance and State Police were also on scene. 2025-26
419pm The station was dispatched to a reported house fire located at 6021 Lincoln Highway. Chief arrived and was advised that the fire was out and it was located at the electrical panel located in the kitchen. Chief and crew confirmed the fire was out and assisted the occupants with disconnecting the power, notifying the power company and checking for any fire extension. Crews then cleared. Engine, Tanker and Utility responded and staged along with assisting departments at Adult Country. Assisting were Friedens, Shanksville and Hooversville Fire Departments along woth Somerset Ambulance. 2025-17
341pm Automatic Fire Alarm 115 S Locust St., Verizon building in the Borough. Chief arrived advised a false alarm. Stations were cancelled. 2025-14
9:30pm The Engine, Utility, Attack and Fire Police responded to assist Hooversville with a vehicle accident on Plank Rd near Camp Harmony. 2025-13
12:43pm The station was dispatched to assist Hooversville with a vehicle accident on Hooversville Rd. Attack and Fire Police responded but were cancelled prior to arrival. 2025-9
3:00pm Fire Police were dispaycjed to assist Hooversville with traffic control for a disabled vehicle that was stuck in a snow drift on Ridge Rd near Fallen Timber Rd in Shade Twp. 2025-10
6:20pm Station was dispatched for a disabled tractor trailer due to hazardous road condtions from the snow storm along Lincoln Hwy at S Pine Ave. 2025-8
0142am The Chief, Engine and Fire Police responded to a tree down blocking the road on Lincoln Hwy at Rosenbaum Rd. Crew cut and removed the tree and reopened the road. 2025-1
1206pm Fire Police responded to a tree down across the road on Koontztown Rd. 2025-3
442pm Chief and Fire Police responded to a low hanging live electrical wire across the road on Walker Rd. Fire Police remained on scene until Penelec arrived. 2024-413
900pm Engine, Utility, Chief and Fire Police responded to a tree down blocking the road on Bassett Rd. Crew cut and removed the tree and reopened the road. 2024-414
830pm Dispatched to assist Friedens with a vehicle accident on Stoystown Rd. Engine responded but was cancelled. 2024-411
635pm Engine responded to assist Hooversville with a commercial fire alarm at 969 Barn St Stonycreek Common apartments. 2024-403
0751am Engine 604 responded to assist Hooversville with a single vehicle accident on Hooversville Rd. 2024-400
0742am Engine604 & Fire Police responded to a single vehicle accident, vehicle into a utility pole on Rt30 just west of Ridge Rd (Same spot as Sunday's accident). Units arrived and found one vehicle off the roadway. Driver was not injured, Somerset Ambulance checked the driver and cleared. Crew assisted the driver so she was able to drive the vehicle from the scene. State Police investigated. Hooversville Fire was cancelled. 2024-390
539pm Units responded to a single vehicle accident, car vrs deer with one injury on US Rt30 just west of Rosenbaum Rd. One person was checked by Ems and refused transport. Crew cleaned debris off roadway while fire police directed traffic. The vehicle was then towed away from the scene. State Police investigated. 2024-394
314pm Station was dispatched for a vehcile accident on Rt30 just west of the Ridge Rd in Shade Twp. Chief, Engine604 and Assistant Safety responded. One vehicle into a tree with one injury. The injured was transported by Somerset Ambulance. State Police investigated. Hooversville Fire assisted on scene. 2024-387
0334am Station was dispatched to a tree down across the road on Rt30 near Rosenbaum Lane. Chief, Fire Police and Attack604 responded, cut the tree and removed it off the roadway. 2024-376
0642am The Engine, Tanker and Utility responded to 926 Atkinson Way in Boswell to assist Boswell with a structure fire. Units arrived to find a shed on fire, approx. 10'x20'. Crew assisted with overhaul until released around 8am. 2024-373
700am The Engine and Tanker responded to assist Central City with a house fire on Third St in Cairnbrook. Crews were released around 915am.
9:45pm Station was dispatched to assist Shanksville with a shed fire along Lambertsville Rd. Engine and Tanker responded. Units were cancelled as they were arriving on scene. 2024-363
1:42pm Engine 604 responded to assist Hooversville with a reported vehicle accident. Engine was cancelled prior to arriving on scene. Vehicle was only stuck on a hill from hazardous road conditions from the snow storm. 2024-351
5:03pm Crews were dispatched for several related "snow" weather related incidents this evening. Numerous stuck vehicles including a tractor-trailer along Lincoln Hwy on Stonebridge Hill, eastside. Crews assisted along with PennDot with getting the vehciles free and PennDot plowed and cindered the road. Other incidents included assisting stranded motorists, a vehicle accident and a report of a transformer explosion and power outage. 2024-352, 2024-353, 2024-354, 2024-355 & 2024-356
7:48am The station was dispatched to assist Boswell with a reported house fire along Penn Ave in Jenner Twp. All units were cancelled. Nothing was found. 2024-348
11:08am Engine responded to assist Sipesville with a garage fire at 446 Sipesville Rd. Crew arrived and assisted with manpower with cleanup. 2024-349
5:51pm Dispatched to assist Friedens with a residential fire alarm. All units were cancelled. 2024-345
Sunday 11:12am Crews resonded to this two vehicle acident on Lincoln Hwy at the Slagle Hill Rd intersection. On person was transported to UPMC Somerset Hospital by Somerset Ambulance. State Police invetigated. Chief604, Engine604, Utility604 and Fire Police 604 all responded. 2024-343
Sunday 7:08pm Station was dispatched to assist Friedens with a vehicle vrs deer accdident on Rt281 near Ross Rd. Engine604 and Utility604 responded but was cancelled prior to rriving on scene. 2024-344
7:08pm Engine and Fire Police responded to assist Friedens with a vehicle vrs deer accident along Stoystown Rd near Ross Rd. 604 units were cancelled. No injuries. 2024-344
4:38pm The station was dispatched for a tree down on the roadway on Rt30 near Horner Church Rd. Utility604 & Assistant 604 responded. Incident# 2024-337
1408hrs Engine, Utility and Fire Police resonded and assisted Friedens Fire and Somerset Ambulance for a two vehicle accident on Stoystown Rd near Mart's Mini Mart. Those involved were evaluated by EMS and refused transport. State Police investigated. 2024-330
1605hrs Engine and crew responded to assist Jennerstown with a house fire along Sportsman Rd in Jenner Township. 2024-331
2343 Single vehcile accident with injury. Ridge Rd south of Old Forbes Rd. Engine604, Attack604, Fire Police604 and Chief604 responded. Somerset Ambulance transported one to Conemaugh Hospital. State Police investigated.
1516 Dispatched to two kayaks overturned in the Stonycreek River north of Kantner. Crews located the kayaks and began a search of the water and banks both south and north. Nothing was located. The owners were located and advised that they launched their kayak's in Kantner and then overturned...No one was injured. Both Kayaks were recovered.
1301 Windy day brought a tree down on the road blocking the southbound lane on Rt381 near Reading Mines. Attack604, Assistant Chief604 and Chief604 responded. Crew removed the tree and opened the road up to safe travel.
1829 Engine and Utility (Qrs) assisted Hooversville with a vehicle accident with injuroes along Charles St near Maxwell Rd in Shade Township.
1141 Station was dispatched to a vehicle accident with entrapment on Slagle Hill Rd. Chief arrived and found one vehicle on its side with the loan driver self extricated. Driver denied injury. Somerset Ambulance and Boswell Fire assisted on scene State Police investigated.
1059 Chief was requested to assist Boswell Fire with a gas meter at the North Star High School in Boswell. Several students were taken ill and transported to a hospital with believed carbon monoxide symptoms.
1853 Dispatched to a water rescue, kayak accident on the Stonycreek River near Flat Rock Ln. Responding units were advised that the injured person was now out of the river and being carried up from the river along a logging/tram road.
1354 Assisted Hooversville with a flooded basement along Water St in Hooversville Borough.
2040 Dispatched to a single vehicle accident with injuries along Pompey Hill Rd near Green Briar Rd. Chief arrived and found one vehicle involved and off the road with the driver outside and laying on the ground and was being helped by bystanders.
1558 Just before 4pm, the station was activated for a field fire near 433 Lambertsville Rd. Attack and Engine responded and was advised by dispatch that about 2 acres were burning. Command then requested an assist from Shanksville and Friedens.
1924 Automatic Fire Alarm, 3598 Whistler Rd North Star Middle School. False Alarm
0940 Tree down across the road, Plan Rd near Bassett Rd. Crew cut and removed the tree off the road.
1807 Single vehicle accident no injuries, Rt30 near Slagle Hill Rd.
2107 Wind storm broung a tree down across the road, Walnut Ave in the borough. Crew cut and removed the tree.
2238 Crews returning from the multi vehicle accident when the station was dispatched to assist Central City with a house fire off of Bunker Hill Rd. Crews worked the fire scene until released at 0412hrs.
2100 Multi vehicle accident with no injuries on Rt30 Stonebridge Hill. Heavy snow contributed to the accident.
1441 Station was dispatched to a gas leak near 207 Milo-Kimmel Rd in Quemahoning Township. Engine responded and arrived to find a REC work crew, that was clearing brush along their power line right-a-way, had accidently struck a natural gas pipeline riser/shut off.
1538 Crews responded to this passenger vehicle fire on Lincoln Hwy on the east side of Stonebridge Hill. Engine, Tanker and Utility all responded. Somerset Ambulance Stoystown station also assisted on scene.
0144 Engine responded to a single vehicle accident on Lincoln Hwy above the entrance to the Flight93 National Memorial. No injuries on scene.
1354 Dispatched to assist Scalp Level Paint with a reported commercial structre fire at 111 Hoganas Way, North American Hogans. Engine and Tanker responded and was staged on scene until released. Fire was out prior to fire departments arrival.
1456 Dispatched to a pole and wires down on Rt403 near A1 Auto Wwreckers. Engine responded and found to be the same pole as in previous calls. Chief reported it again to Comcast.
0644 Single vehicle accident on Lincoln Hwy at Ridge Rd, vehicle into a utility pole. Engine 604 responded as well as fire police. No injuries on scene. The driver was checked by Medic 801 and released.
1444 Single vehicle accident with minor injury intersection of Lincoln Highway and Whistler Rd.
0030 Shortly after midnight, the station was dispatched to assist Central City with a house fire with entrapment. reported 3 persons trapped. While responding the updated information was that two made it out and one person was still inside.
1235 Station dispatched for a tree and other objects on power lines near 628 Brownstown Hl. Penelec was notified and crews cleared.
0819 Dispatched to assist Shanksville with a tree and wires down near 1441 Lambertsville Rd. 604 was cancelled.
1312 High winds today sent volunteers out for several tree down blocking road calls. Crews responded to Ridge Rd 1312hrs, Stoystown Rd 1749hrs, Barta Rd 1929hrs and Old Lincoln Hwy 1956hrs to cut and/or remove trees off the road.
1248 Station dispatched for a pole and wires down across the road on Rt403 near A1 Auto. Crews arrived and found the entire road blocked. Crews diverted traffic until Penelec arrived to remove the pole, transformer and wires.
0713 Fire Police were dispatched to assist Hooversville with traffic control on Plank Rd near Camp Harmony for wires down/arching.
1228 Utility dispatched for a tree down blocking the road 2400 block Plank Rd
1214 Attack604, Utility604 and Fire Police 604 assisted disabled vehicles (traffic control etc) on Lincoln Hwy near the entrance to the Flight 93 National Memorial. (Area also known as Foy Hill) Road contions poor from the winter storm.
0956 Utility assisted a disabled coal truck on Lincoln Hwy as a result of poor road contions from the winter strorm. Area of Dollar General.
1254 Dispatched to assist Hooversaville with a vehicle fire endangering a structure at 351 Bassett Rd Quemahoning Township. Engine and Tanker responded. Engine arrived first and found a fully involved vehicle fire next to a house trailer.
0736 Dispatched to a vehicle accident unknown injury on Bassett Rd. Engine604 responded along with assistant 604 who arrived on scene first and advised that this was in Hooverville fire district and the vehicle was in a small stream with both occupant's self-extricated and not injured.
1716 The station was dispatched to assist Friedens with a single vehicle accident on Marts Rd. Engine604, Attack604 and Utility604 responded however was cancelled prior to arriving on scene.
2017 Single vehicle accident Plank Rd near Horner Rd. The driver was treated on scene for a minor leg injury. Hooversville Fire, State Police and Friedens Collision also responded.